Modernizing agriculture: The solution to historical problems


The amount of arable land is likely going to remain constant. As the population steadily grows, we will need to produce more crops from existing resources. By the year 2050, there will be 9 billion people on the planet. To feed this growing population, food production must increase by at least 70%.

If the agriculture industry does not look beyond traditional strategies, future generations will not be able to produce and take advantage of our arable land. In the past, agriculture focused on taking full advantage of available land and yielding as many crops as possible. There was no focus on sustainable crop production or land preservation. From a financial standpoint there was no focus on profitability and conserving land and resources. These go hand-in-hand.

Three benefits of taking a leap towards sustainable agriculture : 

1. Conserving the environment and preventing pollution

By adopting sustainable practices, farmers will reduce their reliance on nonrenewable energy, reduce chemical use and save scarce resources. Keeping the land healthy and replenished can go a long way when considering the rising population and demand for food.

2. Reducing costs and focus on profits

Farming smarter and moving food from farm to fork in a more efficient manner will benefit everyone involved with the agriculture industry. IoT data from sensors installed in everything from seed drills, sprayers, and spreaders to drones, satellite imagery, and soil turn surprises into rarities.

3. Improving food production without being wasteful

As we have explained, the anticipated population increase is cause for concern. Today, there is an opportunity to develop agricultural practices from a pure production standpoint, and sustainable agriculture is the route with the most opportunity.


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