Environmental Responsibility
The fertilizer industry is taking the lead to initiate and support both research and regulations that develop standard practices designed to limit, or prevent entirely, any negative environmental repercussions due to the use fertilizers and other nutrients.
We are accomplishing this is several ways :
4R Nutrient Stewardship
Nutrient stewardship is a science-based approach to nourishing crops and suggests the “right” ways to use fertilizer. Our approach is that there are four “rights” which make farming more productive, resulting in higher yields, improved soil health, and cleaner air and water.
The concept is to use the right nutrient source at the right rate at the right time in the right place.
Managing Nutrients
Nutrient deficiencies can lead to lower yields or plants that are less able to handle external stresses. Successful agriculture then begins even before the first seed is planted.
Farmers perform soil tests to determine the pH and existing nutrient levels in the ground. Weather patterns and other management practices also affect the amount of fertilizer needed.
With that data, and much more information gathered throughout the season, farmers can distribute the right nutrients in the right amount in the right time at the right place. That means reduced fertilizer losses to the environment.
Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers
A major advancement in managing nutrients are Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers (EEFs), products that can reduce nutrient losses to the environment while increasing availability to the plant. They work by either slowing the release of nutrients for absorption or alter the conversion of nutrients to other forms that may be less susceptible to losses.
Precision Agriculture
Today, with site-specific management tools like GPS and yield monitors, farmers can more accurately monitor all the factors affecting their crops. Specialized equipment can adjust fertilizer usage based on the needs of the soil and crop in a particular portion of a field. This type of technology is ensuring less waste than ever before.
Protecting Air & Water
Farmers, along with all of us in the fertilizer industry, take nutrient loss to the environment very seriously. It is a real concern for the health of our groundwater, lakes, rivers and atmosphere.
Several conservation practices already exist to help prevent erosion of soil, which may contain excess nutrients from ending up somewhere they shouldn’t be. But on top of that, making sure that only the right source and amount of fertilizer is used when and where it's most needed will further reduce the chances of contamination.
Together, these steps will significantly help protect our environment for future generations.
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