Environmental Responsibility

Safeguarding the future of our food and our planet The fertilizer industry is taking the lead to initiate and support both research and regulations that develop standard practices designed to limit, or prevent entirely, any negative environmental repercussions due to the use fertilizers and other nutrients. We are accomplishing this is several ways : 4R Nutrient Stewardship Nutrient stewardship is a science-based approach to nourishing crops and suggests the “right” ways to use fertilizer. Our approach is that there are four “rights” which make farming more productive, resulting in higher yields, improved soil health, and cleaner air and water. The concept is to use the right nutrient source at the right rate at the right time in the right place . Managing Nutrients Nutrient deficiencies can lead to lower yields or plants that are less able to handle external stresses. Successful agriculture then begins even before the first seed is...