Crop Diseases Caused By Fungi

 Crop Diseases Caused By Fungi :

Crop Diseases Caused By Fungi :

Pathogenic fungi are the most typical agricultural problem. According to research, this plant disease type destroys about a third of all food crops every year. In this regard, this problem is severe both from a humanitarian and economic point of view. Like bacterial crop diseases, these infections affect plants mainly through wounds, stomata, and water pores. Also, fungal spores are often carried by gusts of wind.

Symptoms Of Fungal Crop Diseases :

Often, a fungal infection is expressed in local or general necrosis. Also, crop diseases caused by fungi can interfere with the average growth or contribute to its abnormal burst, called hypertrophy. Other crop diseases symptoms include:

  • spots on leaves;
  • exfoliation;
  • rot;
  • anthracnose;
  • ulcers;
  • curls of leaves and warts.

Note: due to a vast number of pathogenic fungi types, the indications are very different. Therefore, timely disease detection is the most effective kind of protection.

Common Fungal Diseases :

The list of crop diseases caused by fungi is pervasive, so that we will limit ourselves to just a list of some of the most common examples of crop plant diseases:

Late blight of potato is expressed by dark green, purple or black lesions with white mold around the edges.

Black stem rust of wheat is a dangerous disease that mainly affects cereals. It is expressed in the appearance of rust-colored sori on a plant.

Symptoms of Coffee rust are powdery yellow-orange spots with a brown center on the lower part of leaves.

Control Measures :

Preventive measures to check crop plant diseases caused by fungi are pretty varied. Key management actions include destroying plant matter containing dangerous fungi, using healthy seeds, regular crop rotation, chemical, and biological fungicides.


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